Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sweet Panel Van

Yesterday, while out running errands with my daughter, the panel van above caught my eye as I was parking.  For a second, I felt like "The Count," from Counting Cars, trying to catch up to another car guy to tell him "Hey man, nice car!" (minus the funds to offer the owner money for his ride of course)

The owner made it into Lowe's before I could catch up to him, though as luck would have it, he exited the store shortly after I.  Naturally, I had to talk to him about his ride.  I hadn't "flagged somebody down," let alone talked to a complete stranger/gearhead in a long while.

We probably talked for a good 20 minutes, about our rides, about local cruises, and about the what shows we like to hit.  It made me realized how much I enjoy meeting new car people.  This guy not only owns this ride, but also a 1960's Chevy pickup which serves as his year round daily driver, ever since the 1980's.  We shared many of the same lines of thought, though were I tend to lean toward "MORE POWER!" this guy was from the mentality of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," sporting 283's in both of his rides.

In 2013 I think I'm going to make a greater effort to stop and talk to people at shows and cruise nights, maybe even make a few new friends, and build a better network of gearheads.

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