This passed Thursday I took the Camaro down to my parents to store for the winter. I'd be lying if I said I was confident that the trip would be trouble free. I kept my fingers crossed the whole way with a watchful eye on my gauges as well. I'm happy to say that the trip went smooth as could be. The night before I had decided it would be a good idea to top off the tank, since my odometer read 20 miles, I figured it was probably down a good 4-5 gallons. I was a bit shocked when it took 8.5 gallons to fill the tank. That worked out to a little less than 2.5 mpg! This trip could be more expensive than planned. I kept telling myself that was CITY driving, and more than a few stomps of the pedal mixed in there, so I anticipated a few extra mpg on the highway.
To play it safe, I stopped a little passed the halfway point of the trip, and was happy to see the car getting 6 mpg on the highway. Hardly something to write home about, but a lot more in the ballpark of what I expected this build would be. I have plenty in store for next year, as the list of things to do is plenty long, though I'm guessing it's pretty likely the Camaro progress may take a back seat to our 1st child, and rightfully so.
That said, I do need to shore up a few priority items before kiddo can go cruising with us. First and foremost, I need to quiet the ride down inside the car. This will be accomplished by running tailpipes passed the axle, as opposed to turn downs in front of the axle like I have. Next, some high quality sound deadener and carpet should make the ride much more enjoyable. After that, I need to up my charging system, as I'm pretty sure I have around a 60 amp alternator, of which my 4 electric fans take every bit of when they kick on. Seems my voltmeter was probably reading correctly all along. There are other items on my list, of which I may or may not get to next season, so let's move on to yesterday's cruising.
We had our second (and final) baby shower for our baby on the way. This shower was down in my hometown where I grew up, and the same place I was storing my Camaro. Naturally, after opening all of the baby gifts, Camaro rides were lined up. My brother-in-law had yet to see or ride in the car, so after warming the car up, we hit the country roads. Since I was about to put the car away for the winter, and any breakdowns are much easier to deal with in a country environment, I stretched her legs out more than I had before. After a few launches along with a country cruise, I strategically possitioned the car on the road in front of my parents' house. While holding the brakes, I punched the throttle, then let off the brakes and accomplished a good 100 yd burnout that didn't stop until I said so! This car is such a beast it's simply undescribably.
Later that night, after most had left for home, I took the car out for one last drive...just to see what she could do. Man, does she not only pin you back in the seat, that speedometer climbs like crazy. As I approached my parents, I wanted to try out one more thing. I ratcheted down to low two while going about 55-60 mph, let the car adjust, then punched the throttle. As I expected, she roasted the tires with ease! As I pulled into the drive, the engine started sputtering, stalled, then refused to start. Along my wide open test through three gears I had experienced the same delimna a few mintutes prior. Seems that it's more rich that need be, and under hard acceleration, she floods out. Prior to leaving, I fired the engine back up and it idled/ran fine, so it seems that some more tuning will be needed come next season. Ideally, I'll put a new intake and new Demon carb on which allows for greater tunability.
Though I have a ways to go before the car will be track ready, it really was nice to finally be able to enjoy the car. I also think it will eventually prove to be the motivation my dad needs to get back started on the Challenger I sold him. My game plan for him has changed slightly, mostly powertrain-wise. I'll cut and paste my tentative plan for that car as well as my thoughts/reasons in the near future. Till then, take care,
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