Friday, October 10, 2008


As I have mentioned before I was involved in a pretty nasty motorcycle accident in April 2007 which resulted in a broken ankle and a busted up shoulder. After multiple surgeries and countless physical therapy sessions I found myself in pretty good shape.

Or so I thought.

Over the course of the summer I irritated that ankle numerous times by doing normal everyday activities, like just standing up from the ground or and walking down stairs, and that was starting to concern me. Then about three weeks ago I was just casually walking around the church in between services and my ankle started hurting something fierce, which left me almost unable to walk. This inability to walk persisted for a couple of days which warranted a trip to the doctors’ office. A MRI reveled that something appeared to be going on in there, so surgery #4 was scheduled.

So I had that surgery this morning and am sitting at my parents house recovering. Ahh, I love my moms home cooked meals.

At this time you might be asking yourself, “Why is he telling me kind of stuff on a muscle car blog – GET BACK TO THE FAIRMONT RADIO DELETE PLATE DISCUSSION ALREADY!!!”

Hold on one second and I'll tell you why I’m talking about it. My doctor is not an automotive mechanic (he probably has no idea where to find the oil filter on his 12 cylinder BMW), but he is a mechanic in every sense of the word. This guy is absolutely amazing when it comes to his knowledge of the mechanics of the human body. If you think about it his job is to diagnose a problem and find a solution to fix it. Sounds a lot like what I do when working on a car.

Now while I am worried about main bearing clearances, he is worried about ankle joint clearances. And although blowing up an engine is not cool, blowing up an ankle is WAY not cool. The biggest difference is he gets paid the big bucks to fix people, and people pay big bucks to blow up their engines. HAHA – Supersport knows what I’m talking about!!

This also demonstrates how roadblocks sometimes pop up in life which put our car projects on hold. I was making such great progress on my car (and ankle) and now it looks like I won’t be working on it (or working out the ankle) for the next couple of months. But that’s no big deal. I don’t have a set goal as to when I want to have the car finished by (although this decade would be nice). I would like to fire the engine up next year, but I won’t take any shortcuts to get there.
But summer 2008 will still go down as the year I got the most work done on my car. I can actually see a light at the end of the tunnel (although I’m looking thru a high powered 13” Newtonian telescope).

Psalms 119:50

You don't want to strip out one of these fasteners.


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