Monday, April 08, 2013

Buick Sport Wagon

I stumbled upon this wagon for sale on the way to my parents' house the other day.  I mentioned the wagon to my parents and visiting grandparents, and ironically, it sounded exactly like a wagon they once had.  While I didn't notice on the way, it had the same glass skylights as theirs had, which I noticed on my way back home when I had to pull over for a closer look.  It wasn't in the greatest of shape, but easily savable.  While I neglected to take a shot from under the hood, it was powered by an unknown size Buick nailhead engine.  This is exactly the type of wagon I would LOVE to return to Route 66 in. Judging by the condition and patina, I'm thinking this was stashed away in either a barn or garage somewhere.  No price was listed, so I'm not sure what the asking price was.





1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats a sick ride@ !