Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Not done cruisin' yet!

Often, I look at the Woodward Dream Cruise as the end of the cruise season. Yes, it doesn't start getting cooler until mid October, that is true. Yet for me, Woodward had alway been a good stopping point, and a time in which I would start to consider what my winter plans for my car were. This year is different.

Maybe it was the long road trip to California which ate up some of our summer cruising. Or perhaps it was the fact that I simply didn't get my Camaro out to as many shows this summer as I have in the past. Either way, Woodward left me hungry.

As previously stated, my next cruise was Hines Drive, which is probably my new favorite summer cruise. I wasn't done though, and I called upon my friend Rod from my home town. I had hoped to get him up here to Detroit for a night out at a week night cruise. We settled upon Friday night, and I already had a few spots in mind, and we started out with the Sears down in Southgate. My last few visits to this cruise were a little disappointing, as the numbers have dwindled from 10 years ago, though I held out hope that people would be out in full force as the season comes to an end...I was wrong.

Turnout was relatively light, with perhaps 75 or so cars. I had planned ahead however with a few other cruise nights close by. Instead though, I decided to hit the freeway and head to the eastside, Continental Lanes Bowling alley near 13 mile/I94. I was glad we did, as turnout was much better, and exactly what I had wished to show my friend. We walked the show for a bit, then decided to cap the night off with a cruise over to Woodward. Woodward wasn't too lively, but a Shell Station was going strong with a good 25-30 cars, with a constant flow of in and out traffic. After some bs'n with the locals, we called it a night and headed for home.

 3 shows in one night, in just a few hour span. That had to be a new personal record, and one of the most fun nights out I've had in a long, long time when it comes to cruise nights. I may have a few more cruise nights in me, and weather permitting, we still hope to make Frankenmuth, MI this coming weekend. I'm not sure that weather is going to cooperate though, as they are calling for scattered showers. I will promise to remember my camera next time, something I left at home for this trip.

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